Text Kanobi®

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    Link Creative Graphics Kanobi® Graphic Art.



Text one page. 

Overview text.

I create your text or edit existing.

* Drafts.

* Text about content.

* Text as simbols.

* Edit text.

* Nice look.

* Different sizes.

* Models or pictures of your text.

* Translation.

* Interviews and text of them.

* Links.

* Make files.

* Other...

You new text or existing can be done creative. 

We work together. 


Text Kanobi®.


Text is probably pictures of words…? 😉


I make your text or edit existing.

Text can be made as logo, favikon, for frontpage, for single page, watermark, for slideshow, background, quote, slogan, for prices, translations, etc.

It can be chosen with common or other font, size, shadow, color, etc.

For my own website I have used Montserrat, which had to be downlaoded and installed in Word before use because it is not standard. I have chosen size 14 so most people are able to read by zoom 100 in Google Crome without using magnifying glass;)

Regarding drafts and Ideas. You inform me and I create drafts of your ideas.


Creative text.

“In addition, I can create your text creative: special, unique to you or users’ so that your message is best conveyed through your text.”

Read more on Creative Graphics.

Birgitte Volkert Kanobi® https://www.birgittevolkert.dk


Link to top of this page.

Link to frontpage Birgitte Volkert Kanobi®.

Link to next page Prices.