Photos and Pictures Kanobi®

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    Link Digital Art Pictures in photos Kanobi®



One photo, picture or serie. 

Overview photo, picture or serie.

I create or edit images.

* Photos.

* Pictures.

* Series.

* Your existing materials.

* Pictures of your text.

* Pictures of parts of a page.

* Pictures of other materials.

* Different sizes.

* Model and photos of it.

* Other...

Your photo, picture or series can be done creative.

We work together. 


More info about Photos and Pictures Kanobi®.

Photos are pictures of reality. I have taken and do still take many fotos as single or series to have many in selection of the best.

When you look through them afterwards, you can be lucky to have captured something that you did not focus on right away. That is actually the most interesting part to me.

Pictures are also photos and digitized pictures created in programs.

A serie, ex. I create different pictures of the same issue in selection af the final.

Photos and pictures can be: logo, favikon, for frontpage, for single page, watermark, for slideshow, background, quote, slogan, for prices, text, etc.

They can be made in all sizes, but normally they are in the size of 3000 * 5000 pixels and for websites 1920 * 1280 px.

Regarding drafts and ideas. You tell me and I create for you.


Creative Photos and Pictures.

“In addition, I can create your photos and pictures creative: special, unique to you or users’ so that your message is communicated best possible.”


Read more on Creative Graphics.

Birgitte Volkert Kanobi®


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